Get Over Emotional Trauma

How can I get over trauma, heal the pain somebody caused me? Here are some answers the Bible gives us: Forgive, Trust in God, Show kindness. As I felt sad and anxious this morning, I wondered why trauma from the past still bothers me? It’s been twenty years, and yet, it seems like the painContinue reading “Get Over Emotional Trauma”

Be Still: You Are Right Where You Need to Be

You are exactly where you need to be. It may be challenging to embrace your situation when you face difficulties or when it seems like God doesn’t answer your prayers. Frustration can push us to try to change things that we have no control on. Worry makes us unhappy. We try to resist our situationContinue reading “Be Still: You Are Right Where You Need to Be”

God’s timing-When things don’t work as expected

We have dreams, and we are full of promises. When everything follows its path, we feel great and confident. But when things we planned or hoped for don’t work as we expected, it is harder to stay grateful and hopeful. We ask ourselves: Was this a false promise? In Matthew 7:7, it is written: “AskContinue reading “God’s timing-When things don’t work as expected”

Be courageous!

Life is a continuous change. When you start to feel comfortable, there is a challenge right there for you. Employment loss, troubles in the relationship, the need to move to a new area, and many other situations make it easy to lose courage. Well, please don’t! Here is why. God knows your difficulties God alreadyContinue reading “Be courageous!”

What is Your Freedom?

What is freedom? Some may think that freedom is doing everything they want. According to the dictionary, it is “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint”. Does being free means we have the right to do anything, including bad things? Freedom is not Being Imprisoned. WhatContinue reading “What is Your Freedom?”