Get Over Emotional Trauma

How can I get over trauma, heal the pain somebody caused me? Here are some answers the Bible gives us: Forgive, Trust in God, Show kindness. As I felt sad and anxious this morning, I wondered why trauma from the past still bothers me? It’s been twenty years, and yet, it seems like the painContinue reading “Get Over Emotional Trauma”

Be Kind to Yourself-How to manage Negative Emotions

We live in a world of appearances and performance. And because of this, we sometimes deny what we truly feel. Anxiety, sadness, grieving… Sometimes, we are acting fine. It seems like we have a limited time to get it together. Afterward, we are kindly requested to perform again.  Pressure to Look Fine Family and work-lifeContinue reading “Be Kind to Yourself-How to manage Negative Emotions”

How to stop limiting thoughts

When it is time to start something new or make an important decision, we may struggle to take the first step. The problem often comes from limiting thoughts that tell us that we can’t do it. When we believe those thoughts, we feel unable to accomplish our goal. For example, we want to lose weight,Continue reading “How to stop limiting thoughts”