7 Steps to Overcome Bad Habits and Become Your Best Self

We all have bad habits that seem to cling to us like stubborn shadows, holding us back from becoming the person we aspire to be. Biting your nails, procrastinating, eating junk food… Trying to break free from bad habits can feel overwhelming. But fear not! With patience, self-compassion, and determination, you can overcome these obstaclesContinue reading “7 Steps to Overcome Bad Habits and Become Your Best Self”

Get Over Emotional Trauma

How can I get over trauma, heal the pain somebody caused me? Here are some answers the Bible gives us: Forgive, Trust in God, Show kindness. As I felt sad and anxious this morning, I wondered why trauma from the past still bothers me? It’s been twenty years, and yet, it seems like the painContinue reading “Get Over Emotional Trauma”

The Truth Makes Me Stronger

Thoughts never stop flowing. Some are refreshing and uplifting, but others can make us feel bad, diminished, powerless. Although we don’t control the flow and nature of thoughts coming through our mind, we can decide what to do with them, especially those negative thoughts. Are we going to listen to them, agree with a defeatingContinue reading “The Truth Makes Me Stronger”

Be Still: You Are Right Where You Need to Be

You are exactly where you need to be. It may be challenging to embrace your situation when you face difficulties or when it seems like God doesn’t answer your prayers. Frustration can push us to try to change things that we have no control on. Worry makes us unhappy. We try to resist our situationContinue reading “Be Still: You Are Right Where You Need to Be”

Don’t Let Self-Doubt Stop You

What is self-doubt? Self doubt is that sneaky inner voice, always ready to bring us down when we take a step forward, bothers us. Because of it, we may think that we are not strong enough to do it or unprepared.Self doubt makes it challenging to believe we can make our dream come true, accomplishContinue reading “Don’t Let Self-Doubt Stop You”

Living the Present Moment

I was walking around the lake this morning when the beauty of the scenery struck me. So, I stopped to look around. As I observed the drops of mist on the grass and leaves, listening to the birds singing, I realized how everything is perfect and in place. God provides in wonderful ways for allContinue reading “Living the Present Moment”

Trusting God When Nothing Happens

When you are trying to accomplish something, like writing a book, starting a business, looking for a job, or even work on yourself, there are two phases. Accelerations, where everything goes fast, you are inspired, energized, motivated. And then, there are those empty spaces, moments when it seems that nothing happens. You have no newContinue reading “Trusting God When Nothing Happens”

Be Kind to Yourself-How to manage Negative Emotions

We live in a world of appearances and performance. And because of this, we sometimes deny what we truly feel. Anxiety, sadness, grieving… Sometimes, we are acting fine. It seems like we have a limited time to get it together. Afterward, we are kindly requested to perform again.  Pressure to Look Fine Family and work-lifeContinue reading “Be Kind to Yourself-How to manage Negative Emotions”

Do your thing! How to boost yourself

Do your thing without thinking about others’ opinions, without comparing yourself.  Do your thing in alignment with who you truly are.  Do your thing! I am here to remind you don’t have to worry about the “likes” or the rejection. How to boost yourself 1. Remember that you are unique Psalm 139:13-14 says: “For youContinue reading “Do your thing! How to boost yourself”