Don’t Let Self-Doubt Stop You

What is self-doubt?

Self doubt is that sneaky inner voice, always ready to bring us down when we take a step forward, bothers us. Because of it, we may think that we are not strong enough to do it or unprepared.Self doubt makes it challenging to believe we can make our dream come true, accomplish that objective or pursue that career we want so bad. There are signs that you are able, but you can not see them. Some people may tell you it is possible, but you don’t believe them. Well, here is the truth: If God placed a dream in your heart or sends you on a mission, it is because He knows that you can do it. 

Gideon’s story in judges 14-16

Gideon’s story is a great illustration:

judges 6:14-16

Gideon was a farmer and didn’t feel able to follow God’s plan for his life. When God gave him a mission, his reaction was to ask, “how can I?” Gideon didn’t understand how he could fulfill that mission because he considered himself weak and less than. But God saw Gideon’s potential. Not just who he was at that time, but who he could become. Also, God promised him He would be there with him and lead him to victory.

You are full of potential

Like in Gideon’s story, God sends you on a mission and promises that He will be there with you. So, trust God’s faith in you. Don’t let self-doubt stop you from grasping your opportunity. If He put this opportunity on your way, it is because He knows your potential. It may not look like you are able to do it right now, but He will guide you and lead you to victory just like He did for Gideon. All you have to do is trust His plan.

God trusts you

When you apply for a job, they interview you, test you, and then make their decision. So, you know that when the company gives you the job, it is because they believe you can do it. You can bring value to their organization. When you feel overwhelmed by your new duties, you can take comfort, knowing that they chose you, they trust you, so there is no reason for you to second-guess yourself. Are you going to quit your job for a moment of discouragement? Of course not! The same thing happens in life. God created you, watched you grow, and then gave you a mission. He trusts you. He didn’t give it to you randomly. He chose you. Don’t let your doubts stop his plan for you.

Personal testimony

I had this dream of becoming a professional writer years ago, but nothing pointed me out in that direction. I had a mortgage, a family to feed, a job that didn’t leave me much time to write. So, when that dream of writing for a living started growing in my heart, I kept on shutting it down with all kinds of excuses: I don’t have the time, I never learned how to write, I could not earn enough money doing that… I was scared to believe it was possible. One day, I became so miserable in my life I decided to trust it was possible. I remember reading that job opening from a communication agency that looked for a content writer, and still hear that voice in my head: You have no experience, how would it work? English is not your first language; you really think you can get a job where you write in English? I was discouraged before even starting. The agency asked candidates to send writing samples, and I even hesitated to send them! But then I thought: If I don’t try, I will never know. God wants me to use my gifts to serve him, and I know writing is one of my gifts, so I am going to trust Him. I am going to stop trying to control the outcome and leave it in his hands. The worse thing that can happen is that the agency doesn’t hire me, tells me what I should work on, and it will help me get better. Then I’ll try again. Sure enough, the agency liked my samples, and I got the job immediately. I still remember the joy of receiving my first paycheck! I couldn’t believe I was getting paid for doing what I love! If I had let my doubts win, I would still be unfulfilled and frustrated. Because I trusted God’s faith in me, I allowed His confidence to become my confidence. Now, I am telling you what I told myself back then: God wants to use your gifts and send you on a mission. He trusts you and empowers you. It is your turn to trust Him and grasp that opportunity He places before you. 

Published by Isabelle Muenabantu

Writer-Christ Follower-Mother-Wife

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