Living the Present Moment

I was walking around the lake this morning when the beauty of the scenery struck me. So, I stopped to look around. As I observed the drops of mist on the grass and leaves, listening to the birds singing, I realized how everything is perfect and in place.

God provides in wonderful ways for all living creatures on this Earth. Food, oxygen, and water are available. Insects and birds create music and rhythm, and nature offers a beautiful piece of art. In that present moment, in the “now,” I can feel an intense peace.

Why we Often Miss the Present Moment

Situations in life can be difficult, but we are able to go through them. We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us. (Philippians 4:13) When we overthink about these situations, we forget that we have that power. Also, we tend to plan so much that we miss the present joy by declaring things like: “One day,” “When the children will be older”, or “When I will have more money.” Without realizing it, we declare that our joy is in the future, that it is conditioned by external circumstances when really, it is already here and now.

Another way we can miss the present moment is by lingering about our past. We complain, saying things like: “I never had chance in life, “So many bad things happened to me.” We don’t need to carry any regrets or unforgiveness, they don’t serve us. When we forget that the past is finished, we let it define us, and it is then hard to grasp the present moment; the present opportunity for joy and renewal.

What the Bible Says About the Present Moment

The Bible invites us to live the present moment because it is in the now that we can find our joy and fulfillment.
Do not worry about the future:
“do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself” (Matthew 6:34). Don’t try to solve what has not happened yet, instead, place your trust in God now. He is taking care of you.
Do not stay in the past:
“No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). By looking at yesterday, you miss today’s blessing. The kingdom of God, its peace is accessible now.

You can practice experiencing the present moment and accept it for what it is. You can observe what happens in your life without judgment. Don’t let your mind take you away with thoughts about past or future. Instead, focus on the trust that everything is working for your good. Right now, everything is ok. If you choose to live now, in the present, you will discover the peace you have in you, eternal peace.

Published by Isabelle Muenabantu

Writer-Christ Follower-Mother-Wife

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