Trusting God When Nothing Happens

When you are trying to accomplish something, like writing a book, starting a business, looking for a job, or even work on yourself, there are two phases. Accelerations, where everything goes fast, you are inspired, energized, motivated. And then, there are those empty spaces, moments when it seems that nothing happens. You have no new ideas, business is slow, you feel like what you do doesn’t matter, and it can be discouraging.

Trust when you don’t understand

It’s easy to thank God when you feel good. Things come into place, so you don’t doubt that you are on the right path. But when everything stops, doubts come quickly. The minute before, you were praising him for the inspiration or the feedback. Now you wonder why God put you on that road, why he put that dream in your heart. Why nothing is moving? You don’t know what to do. You don’t understand.

John 13:7
“Jesus replied, ‘You do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand.”
Sometimes, you should not try to understand. Instead, you should trust that God is still working for you behind the scenes. Don’t be discouraged.

Aim for the top

Imagine your project, your dream, your promise is the mountain top. There is always a valley to cross before you reach the mountain. This quiet, this silence, this moment is your valley. If you were walking to the mountain top, would you stop walking just because it is going a little deeper or darker? You know the mountain is right in front of you because God promised you, and He never lies. So would you stop and stay in the dark? Or would you keep walking until you reach the mountain top?

Trust and keep walking

Keep walking patiently. Do what God told you to do, work on your dream consistently. Do the right thing. Even when it seems like nothing changes, keep your hope in God: Believe it will happen.
The truth won’t change, the promise won’t go. Change your perspective from doubt to trust. Choose to trust Him!

Published by Isabelle Muenabantu

Writer-Christ Follower-Mother-Wife

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